Established:  1926

 Purpose/Mission Statement:  The purpose of the Senior Missionary is to help the church spread the gospel of Jesus Christ at home and abroad and to help advance spiritual strength among the church membership.  Their work involves teaching, benevolent activities, support of world missions through prayer and giving, visiting the sick and shut-in, praying and giving scriptures keeping God visible in their lives, and helping in any way they can.

Scripture:  Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in Heaven.”

Meeting Day/Time/Location:  The Senior Missionary Ministry meets the 4th Saturday of each month, except during July and August, at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room.


In 1971, Pastor Bright expanded the missionary ministry by adding five circles, the Social Concern, Sunday Breakfast, Young Matrons, Young Adult and Youth Missionary Circle.

The Senior Missionary Circleis one of the oldest ministries in the church.  It was organized in 1926, under the guidance of the late Rev. James H. Saunders.  Mother Jennie Saunders was appointed president of the group and served until her death July 16, 1964.  Pastor Alpheus L. Bright then appointed Sister Florence K. Broaddus President, Sister Mattie Glenn as Vice President, and Sister Vina Jones served as a helper until 1995.  In November 1995, Deaconess Dorothy M. Harris was appointed President and Deaconess Alma Scott Vice President.

 The ministry takes an active role in working with the Baptist Women’s Center cooking   and serving food there once a year to the homeless and the hungry.  The ministry also donates clothes to the Center throughout the year.  Deaconess Elizabeth Young serves as a Roving Worker at theBaptistCenterand some of the others missionaries serve as hostess.  They also serve in conjunction with the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association, State Convention, and many other mission groups.  The missionaries also spearhead the Women’s Day Program.  Deaconess Elizabeth Young has a Nursing Home Ministry at the Care Pavilion Nursing Home, where she visits each week.  Deaconess Dorothy M. Harris assists with a Bible Class every Wednesday at the Salvation Army, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon with the senior members, at 5501 Market Street.

Once a year the missionaries present the Fruit of the Spirit program, a breakfast mission workshop, and a trip toLancaster,Pennsylvania.  Through monetary donations the missionaries financially supports the Bible ministry allowing for the purchase of a new Bible for every new member that is baptized in the Bethany church.

One goal of the ministry is to start a monthly food program which serves all those in need in the entire community.