Established:  1989

Purpose/Mission State: The ministry was established to serve the church families whenever possible, and be hospitable to new members by making them feel welcomed and at ease in the church.

Scripture: Galatians 6:10 “ As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

 Meeting Day:  The Hospitality/Welcome Ministry meets on an as needed basis



 Under the leadership of Rev. Alpheus L. Bright, Pastor the Hospitality Ministry of The Bethany Baptist Church was organized in the Fall of 1989. Mrs. Lois Bennett was our first President.

The membership of the ministry which began with (4) four members has now grown to (15) fifteen.   The membership continues to be open and welcoming to anyone who would like to join.

The Hospitality Ministry currently works under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Myron D. Barnes Sr., Pastor and whenever there is a church member in need this ministry is ready and able to do all that it can to assist.

If you are interested in joining this ministry, please Sis. Martha Smith for more information.